Future of Iowa Foundation (Foundation) was formally organized on January 9, 2009, as an Iowa non-profit corporation pursuant to Chapter 504 of the Code of Iowa.
The Foundation’s primary purpose is to conduct or arrange for the conduct of top quality, nonpartisan academic research on taxation, governmental spending and economic and public policy issues affecting the State of Iowa and to thereafter publish the results of this research. The Foundation’s objective in performing and publishing its research is to provide sound fiscal information to the Iowa Legislature, the Governor of the State of Iowa and the public at large.
Research and Education
The research program of the Foundation will be carefully crafted to provide objective and nonpartisan input to the Iowa Legislature, the Governor, and the media in discussions of strategic and tactical tax, spending, and economic issues. The research products will be regularly published by the Foundation and provided at no charge to the Legislature, Executive Branch, and the press for distribution.
In addition to its research and publication activities, the Foundation intends to offer additional educational resources, such as conferences, seminars, webinars, or other vehicles, to broadly disseminate its work among the public policy community and to accomplish its educational mission. When conducting these ancillary activities, the Foundation will not participate in either advocacy or lobbying, instead deferring to ITA in these activities. As with its research and publication programs, the Foundation will at all times maintain an objective, straightforward, and nonpartisan perspective when conducting these activities.
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for other giving options. The Future of Iowa Foundation is a 501(3) c charitable organization. Your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by Iowa law.